Synopsis: The valedictorian of a graduating High school class decides to use his speech to admit his love to a girl who didn’t know he existed. From there the movie follows him and his friend (Who is not gay) through the rest of the crazy night.
Stars: Hayden Panettiere, Paul Rust, Jack Carpenter, Alan Ruck (I totally recognized this guy, but could not place him for the life of me)
Dear God the main guy is ugly. Wow, sorry. That just came out. But look at his SCHNOZ! Someone has to do something about that. I mean, if he doesn’t get plastic surgery, then maybe one of the better special effects companies can just, you know, take it down a few notches. Thank God this movie wasn’t in 3D, I would have been ducking every time he was on screen.
Okay okay, enough about that. The director of this film was none other than Chris Columbus. He also directed a couple of Harry Potters, Adventures in Babysitting, Home Alone, Mrs. Doubtfire. Several classics that I hold dear to my heart and/or appendix. This movie was not up to that caliber unfortunately. That isn’t to say I didn’t like it. I went in expecting the typical teen movie and I got something better than that, so it scored a lot of brownie points right there. It was a funny movie and I hope others will go out and see it.
What I Liked:
Flashbacks- During the movie a character would mention some past event, or ask a question of someone which would cause them to reflect, and we would have a flashback scene. And every one of these scenes was really funny. It seem like the actors were all ready to make themselves look terrible and act terrible to get a chance to tickle our funny bones. Nice work on that.
Hayden Panettiere- She’s hot. Wait, sorry, that isn’t what I was going for here. She did well in her character. Playing the head cheerleader, shallow, but never stupid. I wonder if she will ever be cast as something else…
What I Didn’t Like:
The Main Character- Made me want to puke. Ok, that’s an exaggeration. Paul Rust just played a really, really annoying nerd. And yes, I know he was supposed to be uber geek. But he was pathetic on a level that I reminded me of someone I knew while working at a certain game store. AND I WANTED TO KILL THIS PERSON EVERY DAY. Well, kill is a heavy word. Maybe just maim. Did I mention his nose is GIGANTIC?
What I Hated:
Eh, I can’t really say I hated anything. Maybe I should go into these movies after I have stubbed my toe really bad. That’ll get me ready to be more critical!
This was a funny little flick. It made me laugh quite a few times, out loud I might say, and I would even go see it again. Especially since I missed the last 10 minutes of it because some asshat was texting on his sidekick in the front rows of the theater. Die you bastard. As a favor to us all. Anyway, it’s probably a rental for most of yous peoples. But it’s a good rental. You’ll like it.
And for those who care, you get to see the cheerleader’s side boob. Tee hee!
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