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Monday, March 31, 2014

March Week 4: The Post Commandments

Whoops, a rare occurrence happened yesterday. I completely forgot that it was Sunday. I guess I got too caught up in reviewing Noah to remember the one real thing I actually require myself to do on the weekend. Eh, no big deal. How’s everybody doing? Me? Oh, you know, still looking for work. I had been trying to set up some ads on the blog, because I will take money where I can get it at this point, but Google AdSense kept denying my application because of “Copyrighted Material.” So, if for some crazy reason you were to go back through the archives, you would notice that I took down all the pretty pictures and videos in order to appease these weirdos. But, it was of no use. Even after removing all of that content I was still being rejected. So screw it, back to putting pictures up. Adventures in blogging amirite? Here’s what I watched last week:

I am still playing catch up on reviews. I’m missing one for Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, Halloween (1978), and Heartland, which I just watched and will be the last in the March Project movies. I was really considering taking this week off from film, finishing my reviews and reading a book or two, but I am so excited for the April 2014 Film Project that I don’t think I can wait to get started! For April, I will be watching the best rated films (according to the Letterboxd community) of the 1970’s, which I haven’t seen yet. That list is sooooo cool. We’ll see how far I get with this project.

I hope you all have a good week. I’m planning to.


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